6 Juli 2003:
Today we were busy preparing for our cruise. We had to decide what we wanted to investigate at the
different locations. We also had to practice our methods. Our project will be about Luzula confusa, Bistorta vivipara
and the Svalbard Poppy (Papaver dahlium). After a busy day I went to bed full of expectations.
7 Juli 2003:
Isfjorden (picture from the boat)
This was the first day of our cruise. We had to get up early to gather by 8 o'clock at the UNIS. Then we went to the boat in the harbor. Our boat for this cruise was the "Ms. Stockholm", a boat with a Swedish crew. Normally the boat is used by tourists but the UNIS hired the entire boat for our cruise! At 9 o'clock the boat finally departed. The weather was wonderful, a lot of sun and few clouds. The first location was Blomesletta, which lies on the other side of Isfjorden.

During the trip we saw a lot of Puffins, Black Guillemots and Brunnish Guillemots. After a couple of hours of magnificent views we reach our destination. As soon as we throw anchor a large group of f. fulmars gathers around our boat.


Soon it was clear why the fulmars came to our boat. The crew threw the leftovers from the lunch in the water. Fulmars are known to follow ships to pick up all the leftovers. Unfortunately, they will pick up and eat almost anything from the water surface. Many fulmars have a lot of plastic in their stomach. We went to the shore with the Zodiak. Out of the Zodiak we had a magnificent view of the fulmars that were swimming in the water.

Pedicularis dasyantha
The landscape around Blomsletta was very similar to the landscape around Longyearbyen. We worked in specific groups with each group working on its own project. We also found the beautiful Pedicularis dasyantha. A small plant with magnificent purple flowers.

On our way back we came very close to the fulmars again. They were looking to the Zodiak in the hope we would feed them. Back on the boat the crew served a delicious dinner. That evening we started our journey to the south. The destination was Varsolbukta. That night I slept very good on the swaying boat.